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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Will Resume Activity Soon & Major News

I know things have been in a slump to say the very least, but I'll be active again soon enough. That's one part of the news. The other involves the BattleCraft post I did awhile back. In a chance meeting I got to chatting with one of the developers of the game and he will be granting me access to the test server. This means I'll be able to give reviews on any and all cards BattleCraft will be producing so my reviewing potential won't be inhibited by lack of collection, only lack of play testing.

I will also be writing up an effect cheat sheet so newcomers (and those just curious) will be able to dive right in knowing what everything does. Who knows how far this will go. If this gets big enough I might have to start another blog just for BattleCraft alone...okay I'm getting ahead of myself. Long story short, the hiatus is nearly over and I'll be working on an updating scheduled.

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