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Thursday, July 28, 2011

First Look: Rusty Hearts

Nexon is still giving me grief, so it’s time to bust out a new segment. Here with First Look, I’ll be reviewing games which I get closed beta access to. Here’s hoping this will be the first of many for me. Now, down to business.

Unless you missed the title, the game is called Rusty Hearts. Rusty Hearts is a story driven beat-em-up in cel shaded 3D with RPG elements. At this moment you are limited to 3 pre made characters (think of it as one of those old school Arcade games). Each one of them has their own stats, attack styles and powers.

I won’t go into the story here (since I have not revealed that much of it in game) but long story short you’re a part of this team trying to hunt down a Vampire named  Count Vlad that the lead wants to kill for personal reasons.

Since this is the early stages, I’ll just stick to the raw info and cut out the fluff. The game is in 3D, so this could be problematic for underpowered machines. There was earlier yesterday an IP ban on certain regions and half of Europe was affected (and much rage, bellowed forth on the forum about it). The game plays by default by keyboard. You use the arrow keys to move, Z to block, X to attack and C to grab and throw foes (except bosses). A, S, D, F, G and H are hotkeys for skills while numbers 1 through 0 are item hotkeys. Q, W and E are camera controls and the Spacebar is the jump key. This key configuration is rather hotly despised on the official forums for the game (they can be reconfigured and you can do what I’m doing and use a joypad), but not NEARLY as much as the stamina system which limits how many dungeons you could do in one go (there’s a petition going around to get it removed as we speak).

More about the controls. As of now, the combo’s don’t feel too fluent. Some lag is noticeable at points when you’re attacking. Then again, this is a Beta, so issues are to be expected this early in localization. Still, it hasn’t deterred me any, I just try to adjust for the expected lag between buttons.

The stamina system reared its head by the time I thought about doing a small video with a Dungeon run, so instead, I leave you with some PvP action (I didn’t fare too well here). Sadly, I’m still a newbie  with Hypercam (HEEEEELP!!!) so the sound from the video didn’t carry, so I inserted some music of my own.

I’ll update with more stuff when possible (and a dungeon run when my stamina builds back up.

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