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Monday, June 27, 2011

Spiral Knights: Sort of Like Zelda…IN SPACE!

If the first reaction you had when seeing this picture above is “cute”, then you’re not alone. Everyone who I showed this to say’s it. I decided to give this thing a whirl. This game happens to be produced by the same people who did Puzzle Pirates (I have yet to try that game). This game has been described as Legend of Zelda meets Diablo meets Phantasy Star. I never played Diablo, so I’ll have to take their word on that part. Though it’s only been out for a few months it’s currently light on content but not on challenge (just give Three Rings time to add more stuff). Now, let’s get right to it.

Gameplay: You start off the game at a crash site which pretty much acts as a tutorial. The only controls you need to familiarize yourself with is Attack, Block, Switch Weapons and move. Just because you only have these four actions doesn’t make things simple, though if I had one concern about the tutorial is that it doesn’t seem to really encourage blocking with the shield enough (and when you get further into the game you will need to get used to blocking…A LOT!).
Unlike other MMO’s there are no “classes” to choose from. They’re all Knights. On the plus side there is no level requirements needed to equip stuff. In fact, you don’t need to “level up” at all! You just need decent gear and in game experience in order to be effective (unlike other games where you got to grind for experience points to beat stuff). Then again, it was designed to be a casual game, so take that how you will.

The game has a high emphasis on team play. When you go into the depths of the clockwork you can choose to either join a team or make a team. If no one comes you can solo if you wish, but know that if you do you could find things difficult. The foes are in nice range from wolves to demons, zombies and everything in between. I’d go into more about them but this is a review, not a guide to the game (and they already got a nice Wiki for that which can be accessed from the main site). There are different damage types as well as status effects (Poison, Stun, Freeze, Curse and Fire) which have an impact on your ability to fight, and yes, you can inflect these status effects to your opponent if you got gear or vials that can do so. These variables make all the difference depending on where you go and if your run will be smooth or complete and total Hell.

You will want to seek out a nice variety of weapons and armor from 2 star to five star. The weapons and armor scale for the Tiers. Using a 5 star weapon in Tier one won’t be dealing savage damage to those lesser beings, but still nice to have. The closer you are towards the core the stronger your stuff gets (if Tier appropriate) but so do the enemies so it balances out. If you really want to tear into opponents you’ll need to exploit gear that deals more damage to a particular kind of foe.

To get new gear you can either purchase it or make it yourself. If you want to buy, try the auction house instead of the NPC’s because the prices for them are ridiculous. This was a mistake I made starting off, so I wasted Crowns I’m not getting back anytime soon. You can make the gear you want by purchasing recipes. Once you got the recipe you learn it (it will never leave you afterwards) then you provide the materials along with some Crowns and Energy and your new gear is born, ready to be used by you or sold on the market (you should know that once you equip a piece of gear you can never sell it to other players since it becomes “bound to you”).

Now onto another part of the gameplay that is so major I feel it warrants its own segment in the review.

Energy: Energy is essential to the meat and potatoes of game. It comes in two flavors. The first that everyone is entitled is Mist Energy (also known as ME). You can only store up to 100 of this and there is no way to increase this amount. The second and most valuable type is Crystal Energy (also known as CE). CE is the most valuable resource in the entire game since it’s used to go explore the Clockworks, make new gear and (in worse case scenarios) used to resurrect yourself and others (note that if you travel with others you should try to get them to revive you first by hitting the Attack button over you to fork over half their remaining health to bring you back up (once they restore you hit the Attack button to get back up)).

The Clockwork runs and Crafting are the things that will divide the free players from those willing to shell out cash to get more CE. As I said earlier you can use Energy to resurrect yourself and other people in your group. If you suck or are horribly unprepared equipment wise you will die A LOT! Each time someone dies the energy cost will double. The highest they can hit is 1000 Energy and this could become such a case easily enough on Tiers 2 & 3 since the base resurrection costs go up from there. Players can sell CE to one another, trade it in for Crowns or purchase directly from Three Rings (at present this is the only way in this game they can make a profit). To say that issues with the CE market have caused quite a bit of fits and frustration (especially if they decide to be a free player) is putting it mildly. Then again, I could see why. You’re restricted to 100 Mist Energy in a 24 hour period which (assuming you don’t die) gets you 10 floors of play. People have said they can’t rightfully call this game “free to play” because their play is restricted more than others who choose to pay in. I’m not here to argue points, but since I could in theory get EVERYTHING without paying a cent and don’t have to pay a fee to play, I call it free to play. Where you stand on that is your opinion.

Final Judgment: I do have one complaint. The game tends to freeze briefly from time to time during spawns of a certain amount of enemies and when in the Auction House sudden updates can also cause pauses which has made me lose a few bidding wars when bidding on multiple items in one go.

Outside of that, it’s an adorable game but not too adorable to the point where you puke Rainbows. The game has attracted both kids and adults alike to its world. I want to stress that the Energy system has a possibility of making some people frustrated and in certain cases even quit the game. I look at it like this. If you want to play casually and don’t really care about advancing the Tiers quickly the fact that getting CE would take a while won’t bug you. If you want to get what you could see as a potential grind and want those cool weapons and gear quickly you won’t mind investing some money into the game. If you’re one of those people who believe that their business model is whacked out, you might just stay away from this game. All I know is that I’ll see those of you who decide to play the game in the Clockworks.

Now excuse me, I’d like to play with a few Snipes.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What I've been upto...

Sorry for no updates. Classes got tough so I had to go e-Dead for awhile in order to prepare for a major test.

As we speak I'm playing a game called Mabinogi for the Hell of it and will be prepairing a review once I feel I've gained enough face time with it.

In addition, I've also been playing Spiral Knights. Again, I want to secure enough in game face time before writing anything about either of them. But I'll be posting reviews of those two next. More than likely, Spiral Knights will be first since its newer and less content (so far) so it should be easier to write a review as opposed to Mabinogi which is big (but who knows).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Duke Nukem, Forever: I'd like to give it a shot.

As the title states. I have been hearing reviews veering towards the highly negative or highly positive. Some even compare it against Halo when tearing it a new one.

Considering this game has been in development Hell for 15 years, I'd like to actually TRY IT before passing judgement. I'd like to get it for the PC to do a proper review on it from the standpoint of a neutral party. I hear the game is around $60, so it might really be between $65-$70 once shipping and handling gets into things.

I got no clue when I'd be able to get it, or if it would still be buzz worthy when I do get it. Only time will tell.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hindsight is A Bitch

Ladies and Gentleman it turns out I didn’t have what it takes to be a major player after all. After finding out I barely qualified for fighting in the second round I had to fight an additional fight beforehand to see if I could even play in the real round two. Though I managed to win against Ed the Man (board handle Killtrend) backed by Gravebone but I lost to a Majiya deck in the next fight. Do I think Majiya is busted because of this? No, but I do believe my deck building and card choices leave a lot to be desired. Some people on the Shadow Era forum were interested in what I had used to make it as far as I did. Now, I’ll show them and you, readers. After I show this list I’ll break it down my analysis into three parts. The logic behind my choices, why it got me as far as it did and most importantly, why it failed.

Deck Name: Ice Queen

Hero: Majiya

Allies: 10

Abilities: 22

Armor: 4

Weapons: 4

The Logic: I wanted to try to burn out the opponent as quickly as possible while minimizing weaknesses from enemy Allies rushing down to make my life Hell. I chose Snow Sapphire to deal with Allies that have already entered play, while Voice of Winter would slap the brakes on anything which enters play (even if it means my Allies get frozen too). Brutails was a suggestion I took along with not inserting Fire Snake (I wish I hadn’t listen to that, but more on that later) on the grounds that Brutails had more HP and since I wasn’t going to be attacking mostly with units, it seemed like a good idea especially since once I got Voice of Winter in play my Allies couldn’t rush my opponent down immediately.

Futher reinforcing my paranoia would be Rain Delay. You know, rain out the battle, fling in a spell or two, or drop the small amount of allies or buy myself time to equip Voice of Winder or Snow Sapphire before my opponent pours his/her Allies down my throat. Shriek of Vengeance would be for those odd cases which might come up.

Why it worked in the qualifying round: The competition I faced was fairly to very Ally dependent to gain board control which played right into Voice of Winter and Snow Sapphire nicely. With those in play, and combining them with Majiya’s draw power, I had a fairly easy climb since it seemed like I read the response of the Metagame correctly. HOWEVER…

Why it failed when it was time for the main event: …the one thing my deck couldn’t cope with well was a mirror match. In the qualifying round I was beaten 2-0 by another Majiya deck. While I had addressed one issue, it turned out that it couldn’t fight another Majiya deck well. They were more concerned about just getting their damage off ASAP while I tried to deal the damage while slowing the opponent’s progression through my Life.

What kind of person doesn’t build their deck to take a mirror match into account? Apparently me. What made things worse (besides losing once to someone running a LOGAN deck in the qualifier) is that when it came to that matchup the deck could not pull off both tactics at once VS. Majiya. I found myself loaded up with 5 and 6 cost cards and more situations than I care to remember when I had to place Supernova into the Resource area.

Overall, I feel I just got flat out lucky. Had I faced more than one Majiya in the qualifying round I would have been stopped dead cold. My success in making it passed the one extra game I had to play was attributed mainly due to the way the game seems to give an advantage to the first player, but that’s another time.

This deck will vanish into obscurity outside of this post. I just made it to the second round, I didn’t come in second or win so it probably won’t be made high profile. I so wanted to win. Use the money to get a better router, the rest to my mom, and get my sister that iPad (if I made it to worlds). I could have been Champ…but I’m a chump. Maybe next time…maybe next time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Face of Kawaiido

This piece was done by a friend for me. Yep, this be me, Kawaiido.

She's got a blogs, so being a pal, I'm pitching them:

Shadow Era Card of the Day – U.S. Nationals Week: Majiya

This is it. The day where I break down a card that has just as many haters as she does admirers. Controversy surrounds her to this day. They want her nerfed to Hell and back. Could the reason be that she’s broken, or simply because she’s powerful AND lacks a penis (well, she’s a Mage, so she could probably grow one for…purposes)? Now, let’s show the lady for those at home not in the know.

Behold, the Hero who is occupying 5 out of 10 spots in the finals. I am one of those. She’s been given the nickname “Maj the Vag” by her detractors, such is the plight of any woman who is beautiful, smart AND powerful. Her ability is a simple one, drawing a card for 2 Shadow Energy. This simple ability has made a lot of people cry foul. While the drawing itself is not in of itself an issue for players who don’t like her it’s what she can draw into that freaks people out. Combining her ability with that of Research and she can draw 2 cards every other turn.

While some might go “two cards, big deal” we must also take into account that this gives more viability to another tactic a good deal of people hate because unlike Allies you can’t just swing at it to render it a non-issue. Burn. Currently, there is no armor in the game you can slap onto your Hero to reduce the damage of effects. You can rain down Fireball, after Fireball after Fireball. Following up with the likes of Lightning Strike and polish it off with a Supernova or two and you got yourself a nice recipe for Rage Cake.

Because of the fact that she draws cards and can burn, you got a bunch of people saying she’s over powered. I honestly don’t think so.  Sure, you can burn away the opponent but only a fool wouldn’t pack in Allies in such a deck (besides, we need more burn cards before you could think to go PURE burn and win). Supernova puts her over the top but you can defuse this by wearing down her Life to the point where it will hurt the opponent more than help them since it hurts both players. But it’s not seen that way since players seem to hate ANYTHING that cannot be dealt with in the conventional way.

She has also earned the name “Noob Tube” since it seems to them that even a rookie can beat an experienced player with it. If that held ANY truth to it I would not have lost my first two matches using her, so there is a bit of a learning curb. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t want to flip through a large manual to know how to use something (in a GAME of all things) properly. Makes it highly unattractive and elitist which I hate. So what if you get beat by a new player with Maj? Doesn’t mean she’s busted. For all you know that person might have been experienced in other games like this before hand so it probably became second nature, or perhaps your deck just wasn’t built to take her head on…oh, wait, you’re perfect and elite so there must be something horribly wrong with the card, right? It can’t be that you just flat out suck, right? You want horribly broken gameplay, senseless nerf and buffs which create a great divide and uber elites getting the better of people and no one willing to address the REAL problems of the game? Go play Alteil. I got away from it for that very reason, but I’ll tear that apart another time.

Overall, I feel that she is not the standard of how broken cards are judge, but how ALL Heroes should be. She wasn’t the first female who was under consideration. Before I found this game it was the card I covered first this week, Eldawen Frostmire used to rock from what I heard and now we get this sad excuse of an effect. And wonder of wonders, she doesn’t have a penis. The developers might be thinking “SHE’S STRONG AND NOT A MAN! MUST BE NERFED TO PROTECT MANLYNESS!!” Sandra Trueblade  used to kill a resource when she entered play…now, she can only kill a resource if the opponent has more than you…and you know what? Yep, lacks a penis. Rather than making others better, people seem to side on making the game retarded. Want me to play Heroes like Boris Skullcrusher, Zhanna Mist (though not having a penis, she might not get better), Victor Heartstrike and Banebow? MAKE THEM NOT SUCK, DON’T CRIPPLE MORE HEROES! PUMP MORE CARDS INTO THE GAME! But what do I know, I only want the game to grow and for the players and developers to stop being scared of anything that has a vagina.

Will I have what it takes to win and go to the big show? Tomorrow, we’ll find out. As for those who still hate Majiya and can’t see the issue lies with the rest of the cards and also in the tournament, I can only wish that Maj takes you out, HARD! But seriously, good luck to everyone playing tomorrow. Now excuse me, I’m going to les out with Maj and make babies with her.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shadow Era Card of the Day – U.S. Nationals Week: Gravebone

Undeads are awesome. Mages are awesome. So by that logic an undead Mage is mind-blowingly awesome. Behold, the forth Hero making his way to the second round of the tournament this Saturday.

Gravebone, or rather GraveBONED if you face a solid build. We have two such builds moving onto the Finals (sadly their names escape me at this time). I haven’t had a chance to face them then, but I hope I get to fight at least one of them before all is said and done.

He has this killer ability where he can bring back Allies from your Graveyard to your hand for the cost of 2 Shadow Energy. This is a big deal though it’s handled by it being limited to the topmost Ally in there so a bright opponent can kill your Plasma Behemoth first and your Fire Snake second forcing you to take the snake when you really want the Plasma Behemoth.

Belladonna makes SWEET LOVE to Gravebone. Bring a Ally back from the dead and draw a card? Yes, please! Things can really get awesome once you start thinking with PORTALS! Well, Portal to be exact. With Belldonna handing you more cards and Portal allowing those Allies to attack right away and all the other Mage goodies like Fireball and of course the devastating Supernova, Gravebone can create quite a bit of pressure if you can be a threat on both those fronts.

Overall, I think Gravebone is awesome. Shame more of him didn’t make it to the big show, but what can I say? I look forward to seeing them in action and possibly facing one before it’s all over. I might get my wish and regret it though. Tomorrow, I cover the Hero I will be using that is draped in controversy.

Tool Time with Aron~

Hello all you blog watchers, It’s Aron here and I’m here to tell you about a computer program I don’t know how I went without them for so long and it’s Avast!

Summery tab
Starting off Avast has a quick install time, It has a summery page, from that page you can see the offers of Avast, and a gamer mode too, Statistics as well, which I havent really used because I honestly Never noticed it till now. *Sweat drop* Oh, it shows you the files that have been scanned by it, and the files that have been infected by things such as spy wear.

Scan Computer Tab
*Clicks tab* Okay, First off, there’s the classic quick and full system scan, which does what it says, The boot time scan, which makes Avast scan your computer when you start up your computer, when it’s programmed to, Nice touch. There is also a, scan removable drives option, so you can scan and fix any Flash drive and so on, Very nice.
And the selected folder scan, allows you to target a specific folder if you think or know it’s infected.
There is also a scan log, which keeps all the logs of all the scans you do, until you delete them.

Shields up, Real Time Shield!
*Clicks tab* This tab contains many shields to protect your system, Lets see how well this shield is, There’s a part of System Files, Wow nice starter, Mail that you receive, avast goes into the email protection, Web shield, for your new browsing, P2P shield, for things such as file transfers from others, IM shield, which protects all your IM services, a Network shield, for the network of course, A shield for Scripts on your computer and Behavior shield, which scans your computer for any strange things it’s up to, That’s one strong shield.

Avast has this thing known as a sand box, which allows you to run any program you think may be suspicious in it, safely and find out weather or not, it’s actually infected or not, I have not seen this in any other computer protection program, and this one dose it very well.

The thing about this is, Avast has this to keep track of every file and update for it, you can use this tab to check for it and snag it manually.

Over all, I give this a Highly suggest for your computer, It’s very effective, and I haven’t had to worry about anything since I got it, Avast has done such a great job defending my computer from the gremlins of the interwebs, I say, Fight on Avast, your on strong solider!

Phantom Spirit Battle Academy

Looks like this was drawn by Sonic Team wasn’t it? Well, it’s not (surprisingly), just the style was used. From the creators of Shadow Era comes Phantom Sprit. A bunch of information relating to the game has been fairly tight lipped. No one but the dev team knows what to expect. All we do know is that its going to be an online card game. Five mystic forces will be at your beck and call. I’ll update once I learn more.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shadow Era Card of the Day – U.S. Nationals Week: Jericho Spellbane

Disclaimer: I’m just having fun here. I know not all Religious institutions are bad, this is just to spice things up so don’t send me hate mail, thanks.

Ah, Priests. Divine messengers selected by the divine to carry their message by way of mortal mouths. They’re also famous for telling us what we can’t do because it’s too fun. Like no sex before marriage, no drinking, no eating for a certain amount of days because for some reason God wants us to starve to death for some spiritual reason. They seem to be judgmental as to what we can and can’t do and if they had their way, life would be BORING and we’d be tool they’d bleed dry for money because for some reason an ALL KNOWING BEING WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE NEEDS MONEY!

Speaking of denial…

Meet Jericho Spellbane. He is a Priests of extremes as seen by his effect for removing all attached effects off of one character. This can be anyone, even the Heroes so it has its uses as either a help or hindrance. Mind Control got your Ally that Elementalis took from you to save for a snack for later? Not having that because you see, only Religious institutions have the right to manipulate us and make us feel bad for enjoying stuff they themselves don’t like…like Soccer Mom’s, and Media Watchdogs. Finally got Dual Wield working on your warrior? Opps, can’t use that! Remember, the Earth is to belong to the meek, and meek you shall stay.

Maybe you’re a fan of Poison Gas and or Engulfing Flames because you got a sadistic personality and roll like that. Slowly yet surely you see them die- OH, WAIT he can heal himself up proper due to his powers. While it does seem devastating, Jericho is HORRIBLY overspecialized to be of any significant threat in my opinion which makes the fact that Benumb (congrats) placed as high as he did in the qualifier rounds nothing short of astounding. Either he has one Hell of a deck or got some matchups he could exploit easily. Jericho’s ability is either broken or useless and that is determined by what the opponent is playing. Support such as Plague, Holy Shield and Resurrection could make all the difference in the world when not paired up against something that doesn’t depend on buffs/status effects to get things going.

Overall, he has potential to be a beast, but he’s far too dependent on specific match ups for my liking. I honestly see Benumb’s Jericho deck being knocked out in the first round, but who knows? Divine intervention might make me a believer. Again, only time will tell how this plays out. Three more days till we witness a possible miracle.

Sorry for being so short, but its too hot to stretch this out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shadow Era Card of the Day – U.S. Nationals Week: Elementalis

The Elementals. They got some pretty interesting cards. I say this because I’m reviewing one of them for day two of the U.S. Nationals Week.

AH, Elementalis. All the world is but a buffet to you. I can only imagine how many living beings you gorged yourself on while under the pilot of Harry Mckenzy (major ups for placing with him). I would have used you myself (much as I love tanking) but I didn’t after the possibility of Plague showing up to slow my progress further (but more on the one Priest who did make it tomorrow). Then again victory belongs to the bold and Harry is indeed that. Let’s break it down, and be quick about it I want to end this while it’s still full.

Elementalis has a respectable 28 hit points which ain’t too shabby if you ask me. For the cost of 2 Shadow Energy it can make any Ally under your control into a 5 Life restoring treat. Got a Spark to spare? Throw it to it! Fire Snake becoming useless? Slather it in gravy and send it along. Plasma Behemoth about to die on your opponent’s next turn? Attack first, CHOW DOWN LATER!

What makes this all the better (though not for long if the Nerfs takes the fun out of it) is that you can access Mind Control to snatch up a foes Ally, beat them with it then eat it. Fun for you but Hell for your opponent who will then cry “OP!” (over powered for those not in the know) to the developers till the cows come home. If you really want to piss your opponent off-, um, I mean make things more fun by equipping it with the Armor of Ages (named so because it takes FOREVER to break, but that’s for another time). Recovering so much health in one go AND be harder to kill!? SIGN ME UP!

But wait, there’s more! Sure, you can just use the Armor, Mind Control and call it a day, but why not just take it one step further…? How can you possibly draw out the opponent’s suffering longer? Toss in 2 copies of Eternal Renewal! Between replenishing your deck, stalling like crazy, snatching your opponent’s succulent (I can taste that Jasmine Rosecult rump roast now) Allies and restoring your health every other turn the opponent will either fight on valiantly to the point of frustrating, break down in tears from the futility of it all or pull off an epic miracle move which will make you shout to the heavens “WHHHHHHHYYYYYY!!!!!?” Oh, and chuck in a few copies of Energy Discharge to further add salt to the wounds.

There’s one other Ally I feel that would go well with Elementalis, but I think that one would work best with another Hero I will be reviewing later this week. Elementalis has a weakness in the form of being dependent on Fatties (cards that cost 5 Resources or more) to really bring the pain. Resource denial cards such as Plague will really grind you to a halt. Elementalis is beefy, has access to powerful toys and can really make its foes suffer, but all someone needs to do is rush it down and it’s over. Did he get lucky? Will Harry ride Elementails to the top or will a much faster Hero prove to be his undoing? We'll find out on Saturday if Harry has what it takes to bring the pain and dominate the tournament. All I’m saying is if he got that slow thing to the top 8 I sure as Hell don’t want to face him.

Allies! The other white meat.
Allies! It’s what’s for dinner.
Allies! Sweeter than candy.
Allies! Part of a nutritious breakfast.
This message was made possible by the Elementals for World Domination Society. Please don’t eat me!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Shadow Era Card of the Day – U.S. Nationals Week: Eladwen Frostmire

Welcome to my first card of the week segment on this blog. Well, I should say card of the work week since these will be done Monday through Friday.  On last Saturday I entered in the first official Shadow Era tournament and managed to qualify for the top 8, which means I’ll be heading back next week to see if I can hack it to become United States Champion and play in the World Championship. It’s because of this I decided I this is the week to start on this game.

I based the order of review off of the least amount of copies of a particular hero to the most copies (some had only one so I picked based on what struck me as oddest). So enough with the senseless chatter and onto business.

For our first review we got Eladwen Frostmire, Kathalar’s weapon of choice (congrats man/woman for making top 10 with her). She’s got a heart of ice and turns it into a weapon to make the Shadow aligned people into nice yummytastic frost pops. Interestingly enough it’s said in the single player campaign that she knows their weakness. Though she wields ice and could possibly bring them to an end is she REALLY a badass or a faux? Let’s break her down.

As you see she’s got 26 Life which happens to be the current average for anything that uses magic. It could stand to maybe be 2 more considering her ability of dealing 4 damage with an Ice shard at the cost of 4 Shadow Energy. At this point in the game’s development the fact that it is Ice damage is meaningless (outside of story flavor) until we acquire cards where it matters that the damage is a certain kind.

Her ability takes at least 4 turns to get off at which you can select a single target and deal 4 damage to it. For me, waiting 4 turns to deal 4 damage to ONE enemy is a long time to wait so I can’t just spam this ability if I hope to get any use out of it. Unlike Nishaven who has to wait a turn longer but can nail all allies (even your own) in one go can play board control Eladwen is a surgical tool. With that in mind it’s not fair to compare the two. One’s a bomb and the other a bullet, think rocket launcher vs. sniper rifle.

Elad (I’m referring to Eldawen as this for the remainder of the review) can compensate for this since as a member of the Mage family she has access to cards like Research to help draw into something more. Say your opponent has a Plasma Behemoth he’s about ready to go crazy on Elad with on the next turn and you got the required amount of Shadow energy to use Elda’s ability to deal four to him and follow up with Lightning Strike so you can place the final nail in its coffin and still smack the opponent for a little damage and if not, you’ll just bring him down to 1 life and then eat 7 damage.

YES, the fact that she can’t kill the likes of Behemoth or Aeon Stormcaller in one hit is problematic but remember…she’s a human, and has access to Retreat to help pick up the slack. The ability is also helpful in cases like Elda vs. Majiya in who could deal with a beefy ally better. Majiya would on average need to use two cards to take care of the issue while Elad only needs one and her effect saving those other cards to jack up your opponents. Sadly, the like of Gravebone simply laughs this off cause he can just get the ally back at a later time.

To help Elda along I would strongly recommend Snow Sapphire to buy her some time against ally heavy foes. Keeps them affixed in a block of ice so it takes some pressure off a little while and conduct some Research to fix the problem.

Overall I would say she’s not useless, but she does require some help to stay in the game and maxing out her ability. Depending on her ability is a death sentence. Like I said earlier, it takes too long to get off and only hits a single unit. Being a Mage helps her case but even then…well, only time will tell if Kathalar will force feed the detractors some humble pie.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Acer Aspire Triple Core: Solid Machine Plagued With Bad Apples

Anyone here know any part of the world where it’s perfectly legal to marry a machine? Because if there was such a place I would so be eloping with it. It’s not exactly the most powerful machine on the market (and with technology always evolving by the time you finish reading this it might be outdated) but for the price I got it for I felt I got my money’s worth.

Place of Purchase: I bought mine from HSN when they were doing a flex pay special. The estimated time of getting to me was the last day in May. The special was on Saturday (May 21) and it got to me on Wednesday (May 25) so I got to give points to UPS for not waiting till the last possible day to get it to me.

When I got it, it was in a box…within a box…within another box…and then another box. Needless to say it got to me unharmed and functioning.

Functionality & Things:  After booting up it picked up my network right away. A few shutdowns later due to multiple updates of Windows 7 and I’m good to go. Programs could take up to about 5 seconds to load at the absolute most which in my book isn’t too shabby (especially when you compare it to my last laptop which could take 40 seconds or more).

One thing does bother me about this model is that it has no volume buttons on it. For less than average users probably wouldn’t think to hold the Function key (Fn) and then hit either up or down to adjust the volume. For me its fine, but defiantly not for those who are less than computer literate. Another bothersome thing is the mouse pad. It’s a bit twitchy, but nothing that can’t be fixed by tweaking the sensitivity or using an external mouse. That’s peanuts to my concern about the buttons on the built in mouse pad. It’s one big button but it works like a standard mouse pad. This might be enough to drive some people crazy being used to two clearly split buttons. Again, overcome by using an external mouse.

The operating system runs swell though it takes some getting used to. I tend to go into MSCONFIG to turn off things that I don’t want leaping on top of me during the boot up (like my instant messengers). I’m so used to clicking Run then typing the command. Here, there is no run button when you click on the start menu but you use the search bar in the start menu to execute commands. It saves a few seconds but was a brief adjustment for me. Still thought I should point it out for those not familiar with Windows 7. On that note I want to mention the OS liking to constantly double checking if you want to use certain programs. I can see the value in it (spyware can be a douche bag) but it could drive some people up a wall feeling smothered by their OS.

You know how earlier I touched on how the volume controls aren’t on this model unless you use the keyboard command (or OS task bar)? Well this model has only one speaker and its mono. So unless you’re using it in a place that has some badass acoustics don’t expect it to be too loud. It’s louder than Aron’s Dell XPS Insparon which is really low, but that’s another time…maybe. One more thing to note. This laptop comes with its own built in webcam. I only used it once, but it’s so clear and the picture is gorgeous. I’d show you an example of how well it captures images, but I’m not plastering myself on the web anytime soon.

Gaming Potential: With four gigs worth of ram, 640 gig harddrive and triple core processor it makes for one slick gaming machine. The only issue I’ve had with it in this respect is how it murders the battery. If you plan on playing something with high graphic demands you MUST be near an outlit. Sound as I mentioned earlier is on the weak side so if you’re someone who like to be immersed in a bath of sound you might want to get a set of external speakers or a pair of stereo headphones.

Frame rate doesn’t drop on online games unless you’re lagging due to having a slow connection or clunky router you just want to shoot in the face.

HSN Got A bad Batch: As I stated earlier I ordered mine from HSN. The ones from the HSN batch seem to have some bad ones mixed in with the functioning models, problems ranging from harddrive not working, keyboard being unresponsive and one complaining how they didn’t like the color and sent it back and gave it a 1 star on that merit.

If you intend on ordering from HSN, buying beware. I got lucky, but there have been some rather unfortunate cases. Then again when you mass produce something there’s bound to be a few defective product in the mix. Par for the course. As of this post it turns out that it sold so take that however you wish.

Final Judgment: Outside of all the concerns I had with some not-so-tech-savy people being driven crazy I love it. Runs quiet, plays big, bulky games, plenty of room on the drive and runs as quiet as a church mouse. Still, I wouldn’t give it to the tech illiterate. Now, for the more techy people in the audience…the specs.

The Key Specs
  • Model #:
  • Operating System:
Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit version
  • Processor:
AMD Phenom II Triple Core N830 Processor - 2.1GHz
  • Memory:
4096MB Dual-Channel DDR3 Memory
  • Hard Drive:
640GB (5400RPM)
  • Optical Drive:
DVD-Super Multi double-layer drive (plays and records all standard DVD and CD formats)
  • Media Card Reader:
SecureDigital (SD)
MultiMediaCard (MMC)
  • LCD Monitor:
15.6" HD Widescreen LED-LCD display
1366 x 768 resolution
16:9 aspect ratio

Additional Specs 
  • Graphics:
ATI Radeon HD 4250
  • Video Memory:
Up to 256MB
  • Cache Memory:
  • System Bus:
  • Sound System:
Built-in speaker
(1) Headphone/speaker jack; (1) Microphone-in jack
  • Wireless Network Adapter:
802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Certified
  • Network Adapter:
10/100/1000 Gigabit  Ethernet LAN
  • Ports:
(3) USB 2.0
(1) HDMI
(1) VGA Connector
(1) Kensington Lock Slot
(1) AC Adapter Connector
  • Battery:
6-cell Li-ion (4400 mAh)
Approx. 3.3 hours of battery life