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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Musing: In Game Cash Shops

This seems to be a hot topic no matter what MMO you encounter. These things are a way to keep the game afloat, and last I checked it was a nice thing. How else is your favorite pay to play game going to REMAIN free to play without resorting to a monthly subscription? Yeah, I thought so. I hate subscription based play as well.

There are several variations of items in these things:

Vanity: Or as I know it the “for people with more money then sense” crowd. Okay, let’s be fair, for some cases these costumes are reasonably priced. It only goes into “for money than sense” territory when the items cost more than a few ($5 or less) dollars. Even more so if these items are temporary. Why anyone would buy something that does nothing for $20 and expires is beyond me.

I myself would never purchase something like this (unless DIRT CHEAP). Got your game stocked with these to the gills with these? Well, I pray this game has plenty of people who like shiny things (I hear Magpies LOVE them. It’s an untapped market) I mean the pet rock sold well, so you should do well (that alone says bad things about the human race).

Acceleration: These items speed up the rate you get things like Experience Points, game currency and Random drops. The Experience points acceleration only helps if the EXP rate is generous enough (and you’re not picking on uber weak mobs) otherwise you might as well have spent that money on a costume.

Storage Expansion: This is the one I’m actually mad about seeing because it means the games storage is piss poor by default. If an item mall has this you better get used to poor storage space on hand. In some games its bearable (like if they only take up a single slot). In others it makes you want to shoot the developers in front of their families (weight dependent or items taking up multiple slots, God help you if they want to be dicks and do both).

Some of you might be saying “shut it! Just put the excess in storage!” Some games really want to stick it to you by taking in game currency to deposit/withdraw stuff. Some have piss poor storage capacity and the really stupid ones hit you with both barrels at once. I don’t tend to stick around too long in these. Not because of the weak storage, but because I would have to keep buying to expand my storage (these are almost always temporary and I have yet to see a game where it’s Permanent), not to mention these games have the annoying habit of having random drops eat up space via crafting quests so I feel like I’m forced to buy these. Not cool game developers.

Mounts: Yeah, these are those things you ride on to get from point A to point B because you don’t feel like walking there (not that I would blame you, generally it takes too long in an MMO to get anywhere on foot). Item malls will love to sell you these to make things easier in this regard (especially for those timed quests).

Weapons, Armor & Accessories: These are what I would go for in the item mall. Why wouldn’t anyone? We’re talking about stuff that affects your combat performance. If an item mall had to stock something to get me to spend, THIS would be worth my money (long as it wasn’t temporary, repair costs in game are enough as is). But this one is hotly debated because people see them as “unfair” and is viewed as such because they fear the game is or will become…

Pay to Win: In gaming communities this is a dreaded beast. It also goes by the name “Win Shop” in certain circles. Popular on Korean and Chinese MMO’s these shops have been known to “sell power” to those willing to buy it. One of the most infamous examples would be ZT Online which I read a rather jarring article on (HIGHLY recommend reading it, but its long so set aside some time for it) which shows how it can go TOO FAR. But does that mean a shop should never give stuff that gives stats? I believe not, on the grounds that it doesn’t COMPLETELY outclass the standard stuff in game. Some edge is fine but let’s not make it overwhelming (as in unable to progress the main game without investing into it).

The reason these, EXP and Drop increases are in stock is…well, for those who value their time over their money. I HATE grinding so these items would be quite attractive to me. My reasoning is thus. I can always get more money down the line. Time however is impossible to get back. If I can hop 60 levels for $30 I’d take it. Let that sucker grind for weeks on end.  I’m not going to waste time fighting the same mobs in frustration of either too little XP or too dangerous to kill and not have enough XP to be worth the hassle. Grinding Is Anti-Fun and I don’t want to wait till Level 50+ to get the cool skills and do cool stuff. Odds are if I do I’ll stick around till the 20’s, hit a wall, get frustrated and quit (to this day I cannot think of one MMORPG I have played that I have played passed level 20-24).

You don’t need grind, there are other ways to keep things challenging/fun without walling me with tedium. Life has too much of that shit happening as is. Isn’t it bad enough that we have to level grind in life to get to do anything like…

-          Get a promotion?
-          Make friends?
-          Learn a new skill?
-          Getting sex without paying for it/forcing/tricking someone?
-          Save for a house?
-          Cook a nice meal?
-          Advances in the field of medicine?
-          Powering through long enough to finish writing this article?

Point is, if I can barely tolerate it in life WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO DO IT IN VIDEO GAMES!? I play those things to ESCAPE the mundane, contrived, soul crushing beast we call reality, not play it in virtual form (Pokémon is bad enough thank you). Why should I be harassed by someone just because I decided to “buy in” just because I could? So I’m armed with the Infinity Plus One Sword of Awesomeness. You can buy it too! I got no patients doing raids for the chance I MIGHT get an awesome weapon (odds are I would have died a lot and it doesn’t work for me, or worse yet it’s not nearly worth the hassle of getting) and God help the development team has the gall to make it Level Locked Loot (If I went through Hell getting that, I better be able to equip it NOW)!

In the end its either time or money. I’d like to hear your take on it. Don’t be shy, long as it isn’t any attacks against anyone.

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